Jindal's little volcano problem
My date with a volcano ... In 1980, I was graduating from high school and getting ready to enter college. My then boyfriend and I went camping in the Blue Mountains of southeastern Washington. After a...
View ArticleSigh ... yet another fun filled blog post
So a good friend and I disagree on almost everything possible when it comes to politics. But we can good naturedly disagree and argue and have done so for a long time. So I responded to a comment on...
View ArticleAdding a term to the lexicon
Free-bagging (v.) The action of receiving the positive social and civil benefit of a central government without actually wanting to pay for it.further definition below the fold...For instance, a person...
View ArticleUPDATED: a letter I just sent to my daughter's school
My daughter's social studies teacher has been giving a decidedly Republican twist to the curriculum. So sent the following message to the principal. We'll see what kind of response I get.I am writing...
View ArticleHouse fires leaves a family w/o a home, and another w/o a house
A house fire has brought some sadness to the beginning of the holiday season. This event has impacted two families, one family who rented the house and the friend who owned the house. No one was hurt,...
View ArticleRecent grad races Congress to retire student debt before rates rise
Going back to graduate school when I was 41 years old and a single mom was not an easy decision to make. But I was in a dead-end (but well paying) job and needed to look to the future. So I looked at...
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